
Introduction of Cyber Model Agent B'Style

--Introduction of Cyber Model Agent B'Style-- We have mainly offered access-counts improvement service for websites since our company was founded in 1996. We have finally started to offer a new service which enables to increase access-count by using advertising models as a result of developing the idea for a long time with cooperation of the people concerned. We have felt limitation of the Internet for a long time because of coldness, inhumanness, and the lack of warmness the Internet has. Thus we have started this service whose purpose is to tempt users by exposing human to mainly the Internet medium as a result of pursuing analog-like aspect we've never had.  With movies as a main service, we are going to reinforce further models and stuffs, and expand the service contents from now on. --Why We Started?-- Although we ourselves have longed for our company's advertising model for a while, we were introduced a right person for it in the end of 2007 one day. We have had her as the first advertising model of our company since the beginning of 2008. Because we thought this idea was beneficial not only to us, but to all other websites owners around the world, we would like them to have their own original advertising models with a low price. This was the start. Although this is only for the top page of websites at the beginning, it has been expanded to portraits related with products, inducing banners, short movies and more and more by customers' various requests. ---------------------------------------------- 98 Ohmachi, Minasawa-ku, Ohsyu-shi Iwate 023-0045 Japan Cyber Model Agent B'Style http://www.first-brain.com/~fbstyle/ Yoshiaki Hishiya TEL:0197-23-2726 info@first-brain.com ----------------------------------------------
プライバシーポリシー  社会貢献活動  環境への取り組み  モバイル版  B'StyleSNS 著作権について  サイトのご利用について  免責事項  サイトマップ  番組制作会社様/芸能プロダクション様/モデル事務所様へ 
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